The NSF INCLUDES Alliance TAPDINTO-STEM is organized around six regional hubs:
Hub Research
Each of the six hubs in the TAPDINTO-STEM Alliance are conducting research to further support students with disabilities.
To learn more about each study, please click the title below.
Midwest | Student Success Programs Through the Lens of Completion by Design’s Loss/Momentum Framework
Southeast | Institutional Factors and SWD Persistence
West Coast | Benefits of Work Experiences for SWD in STEM
University of Washington’s DO-IT Center hosted a webinar on April 29, 2022 that provides an overview and update of each Hub’s activities and research.
Campus and Hub Leadership Roles
Campus Leads or Campus Lead Investigators
Institution-level Management
Each campus in the TAPDINTO-STEM Alliance identifies a lead who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the project and chairs a local management team consisting of STEM faculty mentors, senior academic administrators, and representatives from offices of accessibility, institutional research, and financial aid.
Hub Leads
Hub-level Management
Each of the Hub Lead Institutions identifies a leader that oversees the activities of the campuses in their region and is responsible for communication and information dissemination, recruiting new partners, chairing a working committee, and conducting a hub-level research study.
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