Dr. Overtoun Jenda serves as Assistant Provost for Special Projects and Initiatives and Professor of Mathematics at Auburn University. He previously served as Associate Provost for Diversity and Multicultural Affairs and Associate Dean of the College of Sciences and Mathematics at Auburn University.
Dr. Jenda has been the Principal Investigator and Project Director for numerous US National Science Foundation grants focusing on STEM education, including the US-Africa Collaborative Research Network in Mathematical Sciences, Masamu Advanced Study Institute and Research Workshops, Research Experience for Undergraduates in Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program, Alabama Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM, INCLUDES South East Alliance for Persons with Disabilities in STEM (SEAPD-STEM), INCLUDES The Alliance for Students with Disabilities for Inclusion, Networking, and Transition Opportunities in STEM (TAPDINTO-STEM), MAKERS Scholarships in STEM, GK-12 Fellows in Science and Mathematics for East Alabama Schools, Alabama Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate, and the LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate program.
Prior to coming to Auburn, Dr. Jenda was a faculty member at the University of Kentucky, University of Botswana, and University of Malawi. Dr. Jenda received a PhD and MA in Mathematics from the University of Kentucky and a BS in Mathematics (with Distinction) from the University of Malawi. His area of research is Homological Algebra, and he has published three graduate and research level books and numerous research articles in this area. He has also published several research articles in STEM Education.
Auburn University
- Dr. Overtoun Jenda, Assistant Provost and Professor of Mathematics, Office of Special Projects and Initiatives (OSPI), AU, serves as a STEM faculty mentor, CLI , and PI/Project Director.
- Dr. Daniela Marghitu, Faculty Coordinator, Computer and Software Engineering Department, Auburn University, serves as Co-PI and Associate Director responsible for Capacity Building, and as a STEM faculty mentor.
- Dr. Brittany McCullough, Program Analyst, OSPI, Auburn University, serves as Co-PI and Associate Director responsible for planning, assessment, and dissemination.
- Dr. David Shannon, Distinguished Professor in educational research and evaluation at AU, serves as Co-PI and Social Science Researcher for the Alliance, and will also head the Southeast Hub Research Study.
- Dr. Caroline Dunn, Distinguished Professor, Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, and Counseling, serves as Outreach Coordinator responsible for transition to STEM workforce activities.
- Keri Hesson, Academic Programs Administrator, OSPI, Auburn University, serves as Business Manager responsible for budget and subcontracts.
- Tamara Massey-Garrett, Retired Director of Office of Disability Services, Auburn University Montgomery, serves as the Project Manager responsible for organizing and directing Alliance activities.
Auburn University at Montgomery
- Dr. Glen Ray, Professor of Psychology and Department Chair, serves as the CLI.
Alabama State University
- Dr. Carl Pettis, Provost and Professor of Mathematics, serves as CLI, co-PI, and Associate Director for Alliance Expansion.
- Dr. Michelle Foster, Interim Chair and Associate Professor of Mathematics, serves as STEM faculty mentor.
Columbus State University
- Dr. Monica Frazier, Biology Professor & Chair, serves as STEM faculty mentor and CLI
- Eric Avant, Program Coordinator, serves as campus Co-Lead.
Middle Tennessee State University
- Dr. Sarah Bleiler-Baxter, Associate Professor of Mathematics, serves as Campus Lead and STEM faculty mentor.
- Dr. J.C. Saunders, Assistant Professor in Mathematics, serves as STEM faculty mentor.

Southern Union State Community College
- Steve Owen, Biology Instructor and Chair, serves as STEM faculty mentor and CLI.
- Jeremy Taunton, Coordinator/Academic Advisor and Adjunct Instructor, assists CLI in coordinating Alliance activities on campus.
Troy University
- Dr. Zhiyong Wang, Associate Professor of Chemistry, serves as STEM faculty mentor and CLI.
- Dr. Govind Menon, Director, School of Science and Technology, Chair, Department of Chemistry and Physics, and Professor of Physics, serves as STEM faculty mentor.
Tuskegee University
- Dr. Mohammed Qazi, Associate Dean and Professor of Mathematics, serves as STEM faculty mentor, CLI, and Special Adviser responsible for implementing the Bridge Model across the Alliance.
The University of Tennesee Knoxville
- Dr. Suzanne Lenhart, Chancellor’s Professor of Mathematics and Associate Director for Education and Diversity, National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), serves as STEM faculty mentor and CLI.
- Dr. Christopher Strickland, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Ecology & Evolutionary, serves as STEM faculty mentor.
The TAPDINTO-STEM Alliance Southeast Hub builds upon two prior NSF-funded alliances: The South East Alliance for Persons with Disabilities in STEM (SEAPD-STEM) was funded in 2016 as an NSF INCLUDES design and development launch pilot project. SEAPD-STEM was made up of 21 institutions of higher education throughout the southeastern United States and Washington D.C. SEAPD-STEM was formed as an expansion of the Alabama Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM (AASD-STEM), funded as an NSF RDE (Research in Disabilities Education) project funded in 2009. AASD-STEM involved five colleges and universities in east-central Alabama: Auburn University, Auburn University Montgomery, Alabama State University, Tuskegee University, and Southern Union State Community College. The goals of AASD-STEM and SEAPD-STEM were to increase the number of students with disabilities completing associate, undergraduate, and graduate degrees in STEM disciplines and entering STEM graduate degree programs or the STEM workforce; increase the number of high school students with disabilities going to college; enhance communication and collaboration among post-secondary institutions, industry, government, national labs and community to address the education of students with disabilities in STEM; and assessing activities to understand what works to support the matriculation and retention of STEM students with disabilities.
The Southeast Hub will lead a research study that investigates the relationship between student background experiences and dispositions (e.g., student demographics, family background, motivation, academic efficacy) and persistence. The study will also examine the relationships between organizational context factors and student experiences in the areas of commitment, persistence, and academic retention.
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