West Coast Hub Research Study
Data Collection and Peer-Reviewed Paper Submission
The West Coast Hub is collecting and analyzing student data and preparing submission of a peer-reviewed paper, utilizing data collected on the work experiences from students in the TAPDINTO-STEM Alliance, as well as data collected over many years through past NSF-funded projects at the University of Washington’s DO-IT Center.
The West Coast Hub will invite TAPDINTO-STEM students to complete a brief survey about work experiences they have had in the recent past. These data will be added to a data set that has been collected over many years from past participants of the University of Washington’s DO-IT Center’s NSF-funded projects.
Summary of Data Collection Tool
Work Experience Description:
Dates of Experience:
Help us know what you have learned as a result of this work experience. Please indicate your response to these statements where 1= Strongly Disagree and 5=Strongly Agree. Mark N/A = Not Applicable if the item was not addressed in your work experience.
- I am more motivated to study and work toward a career.
- My knowledge of my career interests has increased.
- I have learned the skills I need to succeed in specific job tasks.
- I have learned skills I need to effectively work with co-workers.
- I have learned the skills I need to effectively work with supervisors.
- I learned about the disability-related accommodations I may need at work.
Open ended questions include:
- List two skills learned from this experience.
- List accommodations (if any) you needed for this position.
- Describe what you gained most from this experience.
Data from TAPDINTO-STEM students will be solicited by the end of 2024 calendar year. The Evaluators will then analyze the data, with the peer reviewed article to be finalized and submitted to a journal(s) in 2025, in which TAPDINTO-STEM (NSF #2119902) will be acknowledged.
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