Dear Students,

We’re excited to introduce you to SOAR, a platform designed to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students with disabilities pursuing STEM degrees. SOAR is more than just a portal; it’s a community where your voice matters and your experiences can drive change.

Your participation in SOAR is vital for several reasons. First, it helps us understand your unique educational needs in STEM disciplines. Second, it allows us to tailor programs and resources that can facilitate not only your academic success but also your transition into the STEM workforce. And finally, it fosters a sense of community and collaboration among students, faculty, and administrators.

We understand that privacy is a concern, and we want to assure you that any information you share on the SOAR portal is encrypted and secure. Your data is reported only in aggregate form, both at the hub level and nationally, to maintain confidentiality while still allowing us to identify trends and needs.

By sharing your experiences and needs, you’re helping us to help you. The more we know, the better we can support you in achieving your academic and career goals in STEM. So, let’s work together to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.

Thank you for considering being a part of this important initiative. Your voice can make a real impact.

Best regards,

TAPDINTO-STEM Alliance Backbone

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