Blog Posts
Unintentional Discrimination at the Heart of Disability Lawsuit Against California Community College District
(EdSource) - in a case some say could have a profound impact on disabled students' rights, California's largest community college district is planning to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court a case centered on blind students' access to textbooks, handouts, and other classroom materials in a format they can understand. Read more.
Only Ten Disability Cultural Centers Exist at U.S. Institutions
(Diverse Issues in Higher Education) - Disability Cultural Centers (DCCs) are different from Disability Resource Centers (DRC) on campus.
Q&A: Robin Brewer on Machine Learning & Disability
(Medium) - Q&A with Robin Brewer, an assistant professor in the school of information at the University of Michigan where she uses human-centered approaches to research machine learning's susceptibility to ignore the needs and interests of disabled people and older adults. Read more.
America’s Recovery: Labor Market Characteristics of People with a Disability
(October 2021, US Department of Labor Statistics) Major labor market indicators show the employment situation for people with a disability has improved since the onset of the pandemic.
Conference Demographics and Footprint Changed by Virtual Platforms
(Nature Sustainability) - here we analyze the recent impact of transforming in-person conferences into virtual conferences on improving diversity, equity and inclusion in science and engineering conferences. Read More.
KU and UNC Partner on Propel Project
Launched in 2020, the Propel Project will examine the impact of a comprehensive intervention combining the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction and Peer Supports, on academic, social, and functional outcomes for autistic secondary students in inclusive general education classrooms.
Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering
The Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering (CEOSE) is a congressionally mandated advisory committee to the National Science Foundation. § 1885c. Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering (a) Establishment;[...]
Each of the regional hubs is conducting research. There are thirteen research questions that explore student characteristics and experiences, effective practices and supports, effective models, supportive structures, and systems. The research is designed to lead to systems transformation.
Equity in Employment – Disability:In
Jill Houghton, CEO of the global nonprofit Disability In, addresses the obstacles people with disabilities face in her interview with Insider Magazine. She points out that disabilities are left out of the conversation too often because there is discomfort around it.
Operationalizing and monitoring student support in undergraduate engineering education
Supporting undergraduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) has been a persistent need.
How Centering Learner Success Helped Us Face a Year in Flux
While launching a new program requires a great deal of thinking and planning, few would have imagined the sudden emergence of the global pandemic that upended all our well laid plans in 2020 and 2021.
IHD Awarded Second Five-Year, $5M Cooperative Agreement to Provide Training and Technical Support to Tribal VR Projects Nationwide
For the last six years, the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Training and Technical Assistance Center (AIVRTTAC) has played a vital role in supporting vocational rehabilitation personnel who help American Indians with disabilities obtain gainful and fulfilling employment.
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